Scared of the dentist? – 8 ways to combat dental anxiety

Make going to the dentist a relaxing experience

While there are few people who look forward to time in the dental chair, for some patients, severe anxiety can prevent them from visiting the dentist at all. This can lead to dental health problems that if left untreated can negatively impact overall health.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you’re not alone! Over 35% of Canadian adults suffer from some form of mild to severe dental anxiety.

There are a few measures you can take to keep you relaxed during a dental visit including:

  • Get a good night sleep and perform your morning routine calmly (don’t rush)
  • Don’t schedule stressful appointment or meetings before your appointment (they may tense you up)
  • Eat a healthy meal, include a high protein element
  • Avoid caffeine or other foods and beverages high in sugar before your visit (a good rule of thumb any day)
  • Prepare a list of comments, concerns and questions to help you understand everything you may be nervous about
  • Arrive to your appointment a bit early (even though you may have to wait, you won’t feel rushed)
  • If the drill sound is your fear, bring an mp3 player and listen to relaxing music…loud if need be
  • Take a deep breath…it’s going to be alright

At Trafalgar Village Dental we also have a number of options to treat your dental anxiety including nitrous and oral sedation. We will assess your anxiety and your needs to present you with an individualized approach that best fits your needs. You won’t believe what a relaxing experience going to the dentist can be. Talk to us today!

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